“Total” show by Dominik Barbier —
Text Heiner Müller / Music K.T. Toeplitz
Lyon, Amsterdam, Marseille, Rome, Palermo

Show programmed by the Avignon 96 Festival (main courtyard of the Palais des Papes),
designed with Heiner Müller but discontinued upon his death in 1995,
taken up again in 2003 in a radical form of “total” spectacle:
(audience in the center, multiple stages, immersive wall projections, etc.)
for a unique aesthetic experience,
simultaneously theater, concert, choreography, poetry, light and immersive video installation.
Subsistences, Lyon / WWVF, Amsterdam / Wasteland, Marseille – 2003
Teatro Vascello, Rome / Teatro Libero, Palermo – 2004